Friday, January 9, 2015

Vijay Rao, Bangalore, India

Nice 'stache, Vijay! This bifurcated bunch of a lip bristles was grown for Movember 2014 by longtime Stacheforge friend Vijay Rao. He currently lives with his wife in Bangalore, India but Stacheforge knew him in a bygone era on the Eastern side of North America, long before he dared to grace his face with such stunning manhandles.

In this photo, Vijay communes with his canine Wally, who appears to be a mix between a German Shepard and Kali. Reportedly, Wally was the alpha dog until Vijay constructed his facial edifice, whereupon Wally has become filled with calm, submissive energy.

Stacheforge is aware that the subcontinent has a long beautiful tradition of growing great mustaches. If any more Indian men want to be featured on Stacheforge, please send pictures to!

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