Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Frank Yoshida, Seattle, WA

Nice stache, Frank! That thing right there is one fashionable facial feature. According to Mr. Yoshida, this lip coif lived a short life of only one day, as an intermediate step between an unshaven face and a cleanshaven face. That is a pity, because that is a beauty!

Look how carefully Frank trimmed the whiskers to be so even in length and balanced at each corner of his mouth. Clearly Frank has both hirsuteness of face and the dexterity of scissor, so we hope that someday he will reprise this mouth hat. Stacheforge cannot promote the destruction of mustaches, because we believe that every one has a right to live long upon its lip, free from the fear of razor blades and beards. Nevertheless, the life of some mustaches, like this one, are short but beautiful.

As always send pictures of real men with real mustaches to

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